Interview with Adam McDaniel, Programmer at WebCreek One of the most interesting qualities of a software company’s talents is personality. This particular personality, for example, is mysterious,… Rafael Ríos
Interview with Anelisse Chanakos, WebCreek’s Energy Practice and Project Manager The Woodlands in Houston, Texas is a city formed in 1974, in order to join innovation, diversity, and modern lifestyle…. Rafael Ríos
Alpha Generation: 3 Technologies that will empower the children of Millennials When talking about technological advances, the development made by the millennial generation stands out. Although there is no consensus, they… Gabriela Patrón
Time is on My Side: When Tech Companies Embrace Generational Diversity Cultural differences create a hot and well-covered topic. It’s generally agreed that patience and an open mind will carry you… Shannon Cantor
Interview with Sara Murillo, Project Lead at WebCreek This week, I interviewed a woman who revealed her responsibilities and creative contribution inside WebCreek. Despite her being Ecuadorian, I… Rafael Ríos
Interview with Pedro Pazmiño, UX Designer – WebCreek’s Creative Director One of the most noteworthy advantages of working as a WebCreek writer and content specialist is that you can be… Rafael Ríos
Interview with Jason Bott, WebCreek’s CEO Last Friday, May 17th, a day after the interesting TechTalk that Luis Nerey, Webcreek’s Senior System Developer, gave, I came… Rafael Ríos
UX and Gen Z: How to Impress a Generation What does Generation Z think about UX? These days, it’s not an uncommon sight to see young kids flaunting the… Rachel Bott